Information for the parents in Flanders

Parents information for Flanders

Content (click on the title)


Administration during pregnancy and childbirth

Useful internet adresses

Parent and Patient Associations


Info in case of death

Neonato library

Medical info on pathologies

Administration during pregnancy and childbirth

The information you find here depends on which region you are looking for it:

Usefull internet addresses

– Kind en Gezin


The National Employment Service

Social Security Self-employed Entrepreneurs. 

Federal Public Service – Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue

De Vereniging voor Kleine Superhelden donates diaries to all infants who have to stay in the neonatology ward in different hospitals


Parent and Patient Associations

Parents of children in incubators

   – Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ouders van Couveusekinderen

   – SOS Préma

Hartekinderen vzw. Parents with children or adolescents with congenital and/or acquired heart defects.

Noa’s ark Belgium

Vereniging voor ex-couveusekinderen COKOEN

Hope for HIE Support and explanation for parents of children with oxygen deprivation at birth, sometimes treated with cooling therapy.


– The Nicolasfonds supports babies with extra care. It aims to provide assistance to parents with children who have been in the neonatal intensive care service for a long time and still need extra care after discharge. 

MiraLouise Fonds (St. Jan Brugge) wants to offer financial support to projects focused on the development of children who have experienced problems during or shortly after birth and therefore suffer from “Cerebral Palsy”.

Info in case of death

– The Berrefonds wants to be a handhold for (grand)parents, family and friends at the moment when the unthinkable happens to them: the loss of a child.

Beyound the clouds offers free professional photo sessions for star parents at the loss of their baby. This with great respect, experience and love for precious memories. 

Neonato Library

The NeonatoBiB includes a wide selection of books for parents and children.